The most satisfying first step of learning any language is
the basics such as hello, thanks,
how are you, etc.
This page teaches them without any grammar, but it is the only time I will give
Hungarian phonetic pronunciation. The grammar is contained in the rest of the site!
There are several ways of giving your name. These are listed here with their listeral meanings; all are acceptable.
Daniel vagyok
my name is Daniel
Literally, "I am Daniel".
a nevem Daniel
my name is Daniel
Literally, "my name is Daniel".
Danielnek hívnak
my name is Daniel
Literally, "they call me Daniel".
mi a neved?
what is your name?
me ah nev-ed
hogy hívnak?
what is your name?
hodge heave-nak Literally, "how do they call you?"
beszélsz angolul?
do you speak English (informal)?
bes-ells an-go-lul
nem beszélek magyarul
I don't speak Hungarian
nem bes-el-ek modge-or-ul
csak egy kicsit beszélek magyarul
I only speak a little Hungarian
chok edge kitch-it bes-el-ek modge-or-ul
See the main page about
country names introductions in Hungarian.
This was the very first phrase I learnt, in a café in Budapest in December 2006. It was scribbled on a piece of paper to show me the spelling, as I thought that "hodge vodge" was hilarous. Thus was planted, by the girl for whom I studied, the seed of my love of this language.