See the introduction to Hungarian possession
for a broad description.
The biggest difference between this an owning single objects is the letter
First, decide how many objects are owned.
If one item is possessed, go to
the single objects page.
If several items are possessed you need to
check that the number of objects is qualified but not quantified.
That is, if we have "some" but you don't know the exact number.
If you know the exact number, go to
the single objectspage.
Then, select the owner of the object.
The owner is either I, you, he/she/it, we, you (pl), or they.
Finally, apply the relevant endings.
Charactistic ending |
Endings |
Examples |
én |
-im |
almáim |
dobozaim |
kezeim |
házaim |
-id |
almáid |
dobozaid |
kezeid |
házaid |
-ai |
almái |
dobozai |
kezei |
házai |
-ink |
almáink |
dobozaink |
kezeink |
házaink |
-itok |
almáitok |
dobozaitok |
kezeitek |
házaitok |
-ik |
almáik |
dobozaik |
kezeik |
házaik |
alma = apple
doboz = box
kéz = hand, becomes kez- when endings applied
ház = house
Note how alma + aim --> almaaim --> almáim
See the note on lengthening trailing vowels
* See the explanation here: single possession
There are certain nouns that take an additional -j-
before the regular endings. These words, despite ending in a consonant,
do not take the vowel-initial ending directly but instead
take this -j- version.
There are two categories. You just have to learn which a word falls into.
Category one.
The word takes the extra -j- in the third person with singular possession and in all plural
possessive forms.
An example is kar arm.
- karom
- karod
- karja
- karunk
- karotok
- karjuk
- karjaim
- karjaid
- karjai
- karjaink
- karjaitok
- karjaik
Category two.
The word takes the extra -j- in the third person with singular possession.
An example is barát friend.
- barátom
- barátod
- barátja
- barátunk
- barátotok
- barátjuk
- barátaim
- barátaid
- barátai
- barátaink
- barátaitok
- barátaik
In a way these nouns are irregular and you must simply learn them. Often a dictionary or glossary
will indicate to you this fact.
The second type is very rare. Some other examples are szomszéd, ügyvéd.