This Hungarian lesson talks about the indefinite conjugation in Hungarian. You should read the
section on [when to use the definite and when to use the infdefinite conjgations] so that you have some background on the matter;
when you are comfortable with understanding when to apply this conjugation, this page
will detail how to do so.
The indefinite conjugation is the most basic Hungarian conjugation conceptually, but its apparent irregularities and its non-conformance
to the symmetry of the rest of the language make it slightly harder to learn that the [definite conjugation.]
See the page about [when to use the Hungarian definite conjugation and when to use the indefinite] for a discussion of which to use
There are three groups of verbs, each with a slightly different set of rules. Having categorised a verb thusly, one must then apply
the appropriate rules to conjugate it.
In summary, the classes are as follows:
These are always conjugated in the same way. They are always written in the dictionary with just their stem. An example is:
ad - to give
Person |
Endings |
back |
front |
short |
long |
én |
-ok |
-ek |
-ök |
te |
ő |
(nothing) |
mi |
-unk |
-ünk |
ti |
-tok |
-tek |
ők |
-nak |
-nek |
-lak |
-lek |
Here are some examples:
Person |
Examples |
back vowels |
front vowels |
short |
long |
én |
maradok I remain
élek I live |
ülök I sit |
te |
maradsz thou remain
élsz thou live
ülsz thou sit
ő |
marad s/he remains
él s/he lives
ül s/he sits
mi |
maradunk we remain
élünk we live
ülünk we sit
ti |
maradtok ye remain
éltek ye live
ültek ye sit
ők |
maradnak they remain
élnekk they live
ülnek they sit
These verbs take different conjugations for "I" and "he", but are generally the same as the above for the other 4 persons.
They are characterised by the fact that the take -ik in the "he" conjugation, and therefore are written in
the dictionary with the -ik ending.
It's up to you whether you deem their stem to have, or have not, the -ik. I prefer to think of the stem as
being without the -ik. This allows me to say, like below, "words whose stem ends in -z", which will include
dolgozik work.
When applying endings, the -ik must be removed first.
The characteristic differences are -om for "I" and of course -ik for "he". This means
that the "I" conjugation for -ik words is identical for definite and indefinite, be careful!
An example is lakik reside, live.
Conjugation table |
Example |
Person |
Endings |
back |
front |
short |
long |
te |
ő |
mi |
ti |
ők |
I reside
thou reside
he resides
we reside
ye reside
they reside
You'll notice in the regular indefinite conjugation, we add -sz for the "thou" conjugation. Well, if the stem
of the verb already ends in an s-like letter, it'll be awkward to add another.
In this case, we do not add -sz but -ol/el, in the indefinite conjugation.
In the definite, we see a feature called assimilation, which is where the
-j- in the ending turns into the last letter of the verb's stem.
If the stem ends in:
then apply the rule.
Here are some examples:
- mos (to) wash
- mosol ye wash
- néz (to) look
- nézel ye look
- olvas (to) read
- olvasol ye read
- vesz (to) take, (to) buy
- veszel ye buy
Irregular verbs must simply be learnt. As in most languages, the "ancient" verbs such as to be, to eat, to drink, etc, are irregular.
Note also that the rules of Hungarian are very complex and what may appear to us as an irregularity is simply the application of a
very obscure, but real, rule.
Note that some words can fall into more than one category! This means that the rules for both apply!
For example, dolgozik work.
You can see from the way it's written in the dictionary, with the -ik, that it's an -ik
category. But its root, dolgoz, ends in a -s type sound, and so it's ALSO in the -s category.
Its conjugation is
- dolgozom I work Ending due to it being an -ik verb
- dolgozol thou work Ending due to it being an -s verb
- dolgozik he works Ending due to it being an -ik verb
- dolgozunk we work Regular ending
- dolgoztok ye work Regular ending
- dolgoznak they work Regular ending